My Book

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About The Book

Tips to living with an alcoholicThis is practical, self-help guide for anyone struggling through life with an alcoholic, it is particularly aimed at partners and spouses of alcoholics. The author is a professional writer and since 2007 she has been counselling people living with alcoholic loved ones. Her husband was a chronic alcoholic for 20 years and through the techniques she developed and shares in this book, she currently has a very happy, fulfilling life with her now sober husband. This book gives advise, written exercises and an action plan to a better, more fulfilling life for you and your partner.

It will help you through the bad times and give you the techniques to make your life enjoyable while you help your partner towards a sober life. A workbook with great results!

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2 thoughts on “My Book

  1. I have to say that your description of the mental illness of alcoholism had a profound effect on me. I kept being rather dubious of the concept of alcoholism being an illness. To me it seemed more like a guy getting in his car, driving to a store, buying booze and then pouring it down his throat. That seems more like a behavior than a disease. I think I was always trying to see it as a physical illness – and because my husband doesn’t get the shakes or vomit or things like that, I couldn’t get it. I have noticed in the last 4-5 years, that his mind is really off balance more and more, that his thoughts are so irrational so often that the concept of “insanity” has begun entering my mindset. Your description was perfect of what is happening to him. It is such a sorry state of affairs.

  2. Hello,

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    Jessica Kurrle
    Cap & Bells Press

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